(For your listening pleasure, this blog post contains a stream of One Word by American Idol Season Five finalist Elliott Yamin, off his debut album Elliott Yamin. GannsDeen.com does not offer Elliott Yamin mp3’s for download. If you like what you hear, please leave...
Last chance to get Elliott Yamin
Elliott Yamin's final Ayala Mall tour performance is scheduled for tomorrow at the Alabang Town Center. I failed to get his photo with Cathy at the Glorietta press conference. I failed to get his photo with Cathy later that day at TriNoma. I cannot fail now. I just...
Conversation at Elliott Yamin’s TriNoma concert
Shortly after Elliott's TriNoma concert, Cathy and I bumped into the sister of one of her friends. That sister was with a friend of her own. The conversation went like this: CATHY shows off her I *heart* Elliott t-shirt. CATHY'S FRIEND'S SISTER: Ay, nanood kayo! (Oh,...
Elliott Yamin is swallowed up by a crocodile
Last night featured the most horrific series of dreams. The most disturbing of all of them? Elliott Yamin joins the Yaminoys on a tour of a revamped Puerto Princesa Crocodile Farm, and is gobbled up by a 15-foot crocodile! I was so disturbed and distraught by that...
Elliott Yamin’s Philippine Press Conference Photos
Cathy and I covered the press conference of American Idol finalist Elliott Yamin (woohoo!) at the Glorietta Activity Center yesterday at 12NN for fudge magazine, one of the country's leading music and pop culture publications. Suffice it to say that we had one of the...

Child of God • Husband • Father • Author • Food Blogger & Vlogger ••• Canberra, AU Welcome to my food blog! Currently in Canberra, AU until 2022! More than just food, though, I write about family, fun, and faith. Come join the journey!