Rachael Lampa, “Savior’s Face”

Contemporary Christian artist Rachael Lampa has released a second single from her 2011 album, All We Need. The pop-rock flavored Savior’s Face is a fantastic single, one of the better Contemporary Christian singles I’ve enjoyed from the first quarter of 2012. Savior’s Face, a song about grace, features a readily accessible melodic line, a dynamic chorus, and, of course, Lampa’s signature pipes, which sound more confident and powerful than ever. From the open strains of the irresistible piano lines to when the catchy bass lines kick in, it’s just one pleasing melodic flow after another. After Christian AC sortakinda passed on Remedy – a criminally low #38 peak on Billboard’s Christian songs chart – I’m really excited for what Lampa has to offer. Hopefully, radio will be kinder to Savior’s Face, which is a really, really good single.

Rachael Lampa

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back
Have you ever left somebody’s heart in broken pieces
Well I have, I have
Have you ever compromised, been someone you don’t like
Lied to yourself so many times that you believe it
Well I have, I have

We’re the same, we’re all the same
Everyone’s a roaming soul and we don’t have the strength to change
Who we are, cause who we are can only be changed by grace
And I have
I’ve had my Sunday morning, had mercy call my name
We’re all the same until we look at the Saviour’s face

Do you have an ugly scar, do you have a damaged heart
Did you know that that don’t make you who you are, it doesn’t define you
All I wanna do is remind you that

We’re the same, we’re all the same
Everyone’s a roaming soul and we don’t have the strength to change
Who we are, cause who we are can only be changed by grace
And I have
I’ve had my Sunday morning, had mercy call my name
We’re all the same until we look at the Saviour’s face

And all this time we waste thinking about the past
And what we’ve done, He don’t remember that
We sold our souls but He bought us back

We’re the same, we’re all the same
Everyone’s a roaming soul and we don’t have the strength to change
Who we are, cause who we are can only be changed by grace
And I have
I’ve had my Sunday morning, had mercy call my name
We’re all the same until we look at the Saviour’s face
Until we look at the Saviour’s face

Child of God • Husband • Father • Author • Food Blogger & Vlogger ••• Canberra, AU Welcome to my food blog! Currently in Canberra, AU until 2022! More than just food, though, I write about family, fun, and faith. Come join the journey!