In celebration of the recent release of Victory Worship’s Radical Love, and in gratitude for its recent #1 finish on iTunes Philippines, I am gifting Radical Love mp3s – legally, via iTunes – to five people who do not attend Victory Philippines.
Entering is easy! (To qualify, you must have an iTunes Philippines account and attend a Christian church other than Victory Philippines.)
1. Follow @ganns and @victory_worship on Twitter.
2. Send me a tweet using the following text (or something similar), “I want an mp3 of @victory_worship’s #RadicalLove, @ganns! I’m from <name of your church>!” on or before 5:00PM on Saturday, September 20, 2014. One tweet per username only, please.
3. All qualified tweets will be entered into a random raffle. The first five names will win:
- An MP3 of the Radical Love song, plus one more mp3 of your choice from the Radical Love album;
- Chord sheets for Radical Love so you can play the song, if you’re a worship leader; and
- Radical Love downloadable goodies, including wallpapers for your computers & mobile phones and Instagram images featuring lyrics from several songs from Radical Love.
Sali na! :)